1. 陈贵富、韩静、韩恺明,《城市数字经济发展、技能偏向型技术进步与劳动力不充分就业》,《中国工业经济》,2022年第8期,118-136。
2. 陈贵富、韩静,《中国区域创新系统空间结构演化差异研究》,《经济研究参考》,2021年第15期,37-50+128。
3. 陈贵富、吴腊梅,《中国服务业全球价值链位置变化及驱动因素》,《厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》,2021年第3期,79-90。
4. 陈贵富、蒋娟,《中国省际经济发展质量评价体系及影响因素研究》,《河北学刊》,2021第41卷第1期,148-157。
5. 陈贵富、何喆,《产业政策对中国制造业全球价值链地位攀升的影响》,《经济研究参考》,2020年第1期,11-26。
6. 朱若然、陈贵富,《金融发展能降低家庭贫困率吗?》,《宏观经济研究》,2019第6期,152-163。
7. 陈贵富,《人口、人才与经济增长潜力》,《“金砖会晤”后的厦门发展研究》,厦门大学出版社(第5章),2018年。
8. 陈贵富、史丹萍,《中国省际宏观无形资产的测算及分析》,《河北学刊》,2018年第38卷第2期,129-135。
9. 朱若然、周长庆、陈贵富,《中国城镇居民医疗保险选择行为影响因素分析——基于二元单位概率模型的视角》,《宏观经济研究》,2018年第5期,126-138。
10. 陈贵富、苗馨月,《我国老龄人口劳动参与、就业问题经验分析》,《中国经济问题》,2016年第3期,30-41。
11. 陈贵富,《人力资本、产业结构和我国城镇劳动参与、就业形态》,《人口学刊》,2016年第1期,95-107。
12. 陈贵富、王朝才,《政府财政支出与就业的经验分析》,《财政研究》,2015年第4期,15-19。
13. 陈贵富,《教育水平和我国家庭储蓄率》,《厦门大学学报》,2015年第2期,60-72。
14. 朱若然、陈贵富,《中国城镇失业决定因素的实证分析》,《产经评论》,2014第3期,133-147。
15. 陈贵富,《农民工、非农产业部门经济增长与城镇行业间的收入差距》,《农业技术经济》,2011年第5期,42-50。
16. 李文溥、陈贵富,《工资水平、劳动力供求结构与产业发展型式——以福建为例》,《厦门大学学报》,2010第5期,5-13。
1. Qinglan Wu, Guifu Chen, Han Jing, Liyan Wu*, 2022. “Does Corporate ESG Performance Improve Export Intensity? Evidence from Chinese Listed Firms”, Sustainability (SSCI), 14(20):12981.
2. Guifu Chen, Boyu Wei, Ruoran Zhu*, 2022. “The Impact of Environmental Subsidy on the Performance of Corporate Environmental Responsibility: Evidence from China”, Frontiers in Environmental Science (SCI), 10:972328.
3. Guifu Chen*, Jing Han, Hongwei Yuan, 2022. “Urban Digital Economy Development, Enterprise Innovation, and ESG Performance in China”, Frontiers in Environmental Science (SCI), 10:955055.
4. Guifu Chen,Boyu Wei, Liyan Dai*, 2022. “Can ESG-Responsible Investing Attract Sovereign Wealth Funds' Investments? Evidence From Chinese Listed Firms”, Frontiers in Environmental Science (SCI), 10: 935466.
5. Ruoran Zhu, Guifu Chen*, 2022. “An Empirical Study on Underemployment in China: Determinants and Effects on Wages”, Journal of International Development (SSCI), 34(6), 1110-1129.
6. Lamei Wu,Guifu Chen*, Shuijun Peng*, 2021. “Human Capital Expansion and Global Value Chain Upgrading: Firm-level Evidence from China”, China & World Economy (SSCI), 29(5), 28-56.
7. Guifu Chen, Shan Zhan, Shigeyuki Hamori*, 2020. “The Influence of Quality and Variety of New Imports on Enterprise Innovation: Evidence from China”, Sustainability (SSCI), 12(22): 1-20.
8. Sizhuo Chen, Guifu Chen*,2017. “Do Employers Discriminate against the Aging Workers When Hiring Employees in China?”, Journal of International Development (SSCI), 29(6): 805-824.
9. Guifu Chen*, Sizhuo Chen,2016. “Financial Development, Labor Participation, and Employment in Urban China”, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (SSCI), 52(3): 754-764.
10. Shenglong Liu, Guifu Chen* and Shigeyuki Hamori, 2014. “Empirical Research on Monetary Policy, Asset Prices and Inflation: An Analysis Based on Provincial Panel Data in China”, Applied Economics (SSCI), 46(34): 4190-4204.
11. Guifu Chen and Shigeyuki Hamori*, 2013. “Formal Employment, Informal Employment and Income Differentials in Urban China”, Journal of International Development (SSCI), 25(7): 987–1004.
12. Chunchao Wang, Guifu Chen* and Yarong Lu, 2013. “Decision Making Process of Job Mobility to Rural-Urban Migrant Workers: Urban Survey in the Pearl River Delta of China”, Argumenta Oeconomica (SSCI), 1(30): 85-107.
13. Guifu Chen and Shigeyuki Hamori*, 2010. “Bivariate Probit Analysis of Differences between Male and Female Formal Employment in Urban China”, Journal of Asian Economics (SSCI), 21(5): 494-501.
14. Guifu Chen and Shigeyuki Hamori*, 2010. “Energy Prices and China’s International Competitiveness”, Kobe University Economic Review, 56: 13-21.
15. Guifu Chen and Shigeyuki Hamori*, 2009. “Solution to the Dilemma of the Migrant Labor Shortage and Rural Labor Surplus in China”, China & World Economy (SSCI), 17(4): 53-71.
16. Guifu Chen and Shigeyuki Hamori*, 2009. “An Empirical Analysis of Chinese Rural Labor Migration Using a Multinomial Logit Model”, Applied Econometrics and International Development, 9(1): 178-186.
17. Guifu Chen and Shigeyuki Hamori*, 2009. “Economic Returns to Schooling in Urban China: OLS and the Instrumental Variables Approach”, China Economic Review (SSCI), 20(2): 143-152.
18. Guifu Chen and Shigeyuki Hamori*, 2008. “Do Chinese Employers Discriminate against Females when Hiring Employees?”, Economics Bulletin, 10(14): 1-17.
19. Guifu Chen and Shigeyuki Hamori*, 2008. “An Empirical Analysis of Gender Wage Differentials in Unban China”, Kobe University Economic Review, 54: 25-34.
1. 陳貴富、中谷武,《農業補助・人的資本支出間の選択と移民,所得格差》,《国民経済雑誌(日文)》,2009年,199(2):1-15。
2. 周媛、陳貴富,《中国における小中学生の学習意欲についての要因分析--北京市内小中学校でのアンケート調査に基づいて》,《研究論叢(日文)》,2008年,15:15-28。
3. 陳貴富,《中国の東北地区における賃金と教育に関する計量的分析》,《六甲台論集(日文)》,2007年,53(3):35-47。
1. Guifu Chen, Shigeyuki Hamor, 2014“Rural Labor Migration, Discrimination and New Dual Labor Market in China”, Springer.
2. 陈贵富,《人口老龄化进程中的中国劳动力市场研究》,经济科学出版社,独立作者,2016-12。