

主讲人: Alexander Welzl
主讲人简介: Alexander G. Welzl is the President and co-founder of China Data Analysis & Research Hub (CDA) an independent, non-partisan and non-profit think-tank dedicated to Sino-European research and peace-oriented, evidence-based dialogue (headquarters in Austria/Europe). He is one of only very few experts in Europe who gained experiences in practice and held professional positions in all segments that build National Innovation Systems – from economic research and university teaching to start-ups, venture management and multinational enterprises, financial industry, federal public administration as well as standard setting and sustainability. Alex has been invited as guest researcher and visiting fellow at European and Chinese universities. He is a frequently invited speaker and panelist at and with multinational organisations (UN, OECD, World Bank, APEC, European Commission), national academies of sciences (CASS, US NAS), universities (Harvard, Oxford, Peking University), and institutions of social sciences and economics like European University Institute and Academy of Macroeconomic Research of NDRC. In economics and management he has research experience and professional expertise in KPI-systems, performance-based management as well as corporate reporting, asset valuation and investor/stakeholder relations. For some six years Alexander G. Welzl was with European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies (EFFAS). Being with EFFAS he represented the European capital market in Asia and in the United States. 
主持人: Yinggang Zhou
简介: At the peak of scientific knowledge in human history we experience a time of global transformation and imbalance. Many nations show signs of rising economic protectionism. GVCs and entanglement of economies are under scrutiny. However, the Grand Challenges affect all peoples and the world’s largest economies are expected to provide innovative solutions. Ahead of COP 29 and APEC Leaders Summit 2024 evidence suggests that the further global development is dependent on the establishment of collaborative innovation economies. As National Innovation Systems (NIS) are driving societal evolution and problem-solving CDA is dedicated to contributing to the rise of a science-based planetary patriotism and the novel notion of geo-innovation. In this talk I will outline a systemic approach with universities, industry and sovereign governance institutions as major players. On corporate level I will draw on novel innovation models like Haier’s RenDanHeYi. On regional level Brainport Eindhoven in the Dutch region of Brabant with Philips and ASML will serve as a best practice case. Using datasets from a CDA-report on the Sino-Italian relationship in science, technology and industry I will explore the notion of geo-innovation. Finally I will analyse the potential impact of BIS’ Green Swan Report on finance and NIS. 
时间: 2024-11-04 (Monday) 16:40-18:10
地点: Room N303, Economics Building
期数: 富邦大讲堂经济金融系列讲座第9讲
主办单位: 经济学科
承办单位: 经济学科
类型: 系列讲座
联系人信息: 何永芳 2188177
语言: English